Retrieved from: https://goo.gl/c6QmLj
When you get a job one of the most common questions is: What do I wear on my first day? It is known that your physical appearance in the workplace is so important because it reflects how good worker you are and what people can think about you. For example, when I arrived for first time in the UK I got a job as a waiter and on my first day I didn't know what to wear so I got dressed in a casual way. For that reason, the owner of the restaurant fired me. I decided to ask why that man fired me and my friends told me because in UK waiters and waitresses must have a formal appearance.

Dress code for waiters and waitresses:  
  • They must have a groomed look.
  • Men should wear a black pants.
  • Men can wear a white shirt with a tie.
  • It is recommended for mens to wear a black blazer.
  • They must wear black shoes.                                              
My friends told me that the common dress code for waiters and waitresses are almost the same except for women because waitresses must wear a skirt below the knee and it is mandatory to wear high heels.

Drawbacks of dress code in waiters and waitresses:

From my personal experience I can say that dress code for employee have many advantages and disadvantages, the employers think that those rules are implemented beacause they don't want the employee distraction. For many employees it is very unconmfortable to wear like very formal, and the waitresses hate to wear high heels at work where they have to walk all day. Although the dress code is very important in the workplace some of the rules can be very uncomfortable for employees.

In conclusion, dress codes for waiters and waitresses in the UK are a good way to control employees and make them more productive but for some of them can be uncomfortable because they are not accustomed and it causes that they will not have a good development in what they do. I recommend what employers can do is negotiating the dress code in a meeting with employees. So, I invite you to answer: Is there a dress code where you work and what do you think about it? You can leave your comments.


Silver Servie Waiter. (2017). What to wear?. Retrieved 26 June 2017, from http://www.prefacerecruitment.co.uk/homepage/assignmentinfo/what-to-wear-silver-service-waiter/

Silkin, L. (2002). Employee dress codes. Retrieved 26 June 2017, from https://www.thecaterer.com/articles/43173/employee-dress-codes

Author: David Obhed Porta Montes


  1. I totally disagree with your way of thinking, because the way you look as a waiter or waitresses don't influence in how you develop your skills in the workplace. I think the employers of a company who have a casual dress can feel more confortable and the costumer can feel more confident when they talk with employers who wear casual dresses.

  2. Well, I can see your point, you have a neutral position, but I´m against the idea about that the importance of dress codes promote is that it promotes the productivity, because in my case I work for a business that impose to me wear long skirts and cover completely my brands, I cannot work in an efficient way, specially when the weather is so hot, I feel unconfortable and my workmates too, also I don´t like how I look with that kind of attire and I have a horrible facial expression front of the customers and I know that can affect to the business . So is it possible to be secure that dress codes promote the productivity?

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. I see eye to eye with you to some extent. Firstly, from my point of view the first impression on the customer is very important and maybe that is why many employers implant strict dress codes so that they can increase the productivity. However, sometimes these policies can cause that employees feel uncomfortable. Which is the case of waitresses, who have to wear high heels during all the day. Therefore as you, I consider having a negotiation with their boss in order to wear comfortable, but modest and respectful attire is the best option.

  5. I beg to differ with you; given that, from my point of view job roles, comfort and personal expression are the most important things to consider when it comes to choosing and imposing standards of dress at a business. If the business imposes a strictest dress code for their employees, they will feel that they are under the managers and the fluent communication between the CEO and employees will disappear.


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